Of all the places that deserve to have the title “the warm heart of Africa”.  Zambia is definitely a worthy contender.

God wants us to know Him and be known by Him. One of the greatest ways to discover who we are, why we are here and where all this is going – is by understanding the narrative of the bible. 

The story is a never ending life discovery of God and His love for the world.

He longs to dwell with us.

What a privilege to be a part of sharing the riches of His Word in Livingston. We spent 10 days in this beautiful country with a community of people that long to learn.   Pastor Elis we met 8 years ago when we drove through Livingston on one of our African excursions.   We had been planning to return for years but the time never presented itself until now.  

Future Hope International has an amazing youth program that raises up African leaders to serve and love on their local neighbors.  Aleph was invited to host a five day seminar in which we shared an overview of the bible – Genesis to Revelations.   When we speck about our Discovery Camps, this is what we cover.  It is a biblical perspective of the world from beginning to end.    

Many people have read parts of the bible but most have never read it in its fullness.   Our goal is to make it less intimidating, applicable, and understandable.   In these sessions we help attendees understand the full narrative of God’s word by reading each book in the context it was written in.   The authors in the bible share a consistent story that covers 4,000 years of history of how God has interacted with man.  

We hope that at the end of the camps that every student would come to a greater understanding of why God created the world, why he created us, where it all went wrong, what covenant is, why the tabernacle, why the whole sacrificial system, why Jesus, and what is our hope now, what do with all this information and what do we have to look forward to!?  

It is very exciting stuff that we froth over sharing.   The truth is contagious.  Knowing our purpose and future hope is a message worth sharing! 

We live in very exciting days where knowledge is accessible to everybody.  But we must be wary of where we get our information.  The God of the Bible and His instruction is our plumbline.  It has proven itself to be true through all the ages.  The words is clear, it is not murky, we just need to take the time to read it.